3. After an Alarm
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Using the Log
The system keeps a log of the last 250 events. You can examine this log
from the keypad. To use the log:
1. Key in your access code or present a tag
2. Press 5.
The display shows the most recent event,
for example:
The display shows a short message for each type of event. Table
1 on the next page shows each of the messages that you might
see, and their meaning.
Press Y to toggle the display between the time and date of the
event and the log report. Press 1 to see earlier events in the log.
Press 3 to see more recent events.
Press X to stop using the log.
Table 1. Log Event Codes
Message Meaning
EEProm Fail Internal error, contact Installer.
Codes Defaulted The access codes have been reset to default values.
Clear Log The system programming has been returned to default values.
System Startup System was started (power applied).
System Tamper Bell or bell wiring tamper.
System Tamp Rst System tamper reset.
Lid Tamper Control unit lid opened.
Lid Tamper Rst Lid tamper reset
Sounder Tamper Sounder lid opened.
Sounder Tamp Rst Sounder tamper reset.
Unn On-Site User nn (see next page) put system into programming mode.
Unn Off-Site User nn (see next page) took system out of programming mode.
Unn Change User nn (see next page) changed their user code.
Unn Delete User nn (see next page) deleted their user code.
Unn L# Set User nn (see next page) set Level #.
Unn L# UnSet User nn (see next page) unset Level #.
U21 L# Set Keyswitch set Level #.
U21 L# UnSet Keyswitch unset Level #.
System Rearmed System auto rearmed.
Unn Znn Omit User nn (see next page) omitted zone nn.
Unn Znn Unomit User nn (see next page) re-instated zone nn.
Fire Znn Alarm Fire alarm at zone nn.
Fire Znn Rstr Fire alarm at zone nn restored.
Fire Znn Reset Fire alarm at zone nn reset.
PA Znn Alarm Panic alarm at zone nn.
PA Znn Rstr Panic alarm at zone nn restored.
Unn System Unset User nn (see next page) unset system.
PA Knn Alarm Panic alarm started at keypad nn.
Burg Znn Alarm Intruder alarm at zone nn.
U01 Change U02
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